Upgrading from Version 1.4 to 1.4.3

Version 1.4.3 of the FeedAd Android SDK brings some small, but significant changes to interstitial and standalone listeners.
If you are not using our interstitial or standalone ad formats, you do not need to make any changes.

Interstitial and Standalone Callbacks

The InterstitialAdListener and StandaloneAdListener interfaces that had to be implemented for their respective ad request are now split up into two interfaces, each:

Interstitial Ads

  1. The InterstitialAdRequestListener:
    Direct replacement for the InterstitialAdListener. It now holds only callback methods for the interstitial ad request. The methods regarding the ad playback have been moved to the InterstitialAdPlaybackListener interface.
  2. The InterstitialAdPlaybackListener:
    Holds all methods regarding the ad playback. Needs only to be implemented when the interstitial should be displayed.

See the updated integration guide for interstitial ads for a detailed example of the integration.

Standalone Ads

  1. The StandaloneAdRequestListener:
    Direct replacement for the StandaloneAdListener. It now holds only callback methods for the standalone ad request. The methods regarding the ad playback have been moved to the StandaloneAdPlaybackListener interface.
  2. The StandaloneAdPlaybackListener:
    Holds all methods regarding the ad playback. Needs only to be implemented when the standalone view is created.

See the updated integration guide for standalone ads for a detailed example of the integration.