Mediation Network Support

The FeedAd SDK is built to work together with ad mediation networks. If you are planning to integrate FeedAd alongside other ad networks, we recommend the following:

Choose your Integration

  • If you don’t have any ads, yet, or are planning to replace your ads with FeedAds:
    We recommend integrating the FeedAd SDK without any mediation network This removes the overhead of the mediation request and results in faster loading times of your ad placements. Continue reading the documentation for your targeted platform on how to integrate the FeedAd SDK into your app.

  • If you are using AdMob, Google Ad Manager or AppLovin MAX:
    We have tested the integration for these networks through custom events. You can find a detailed integration example for each network inside the example app for your targeted platform. For most cases, the example code can be copied and pasted into your app with only minimal changes to the configuration.

  • If you are using Prebid.JS or Prebid Server:
    We have implemented official header bidding adapters for both Prebid.JS and Prebid Server for use with our FeedAd Web SDK. If you have an already working Prebid.JS integration, all you have to do is to add and configure the FeedAd bidder adapter for Prebid.JS or to add a server-to-server configuration that will use our FeedAd bidder adapter that comes with Prebid Server. For more information, please head over to our guide for the Prebid integration.

  • If you are using any other mediation network or have built the ad mediation yourself:
    FeedAd provides the necessary methods and callbacks to be integrated into any ad mediation. Learn more about these callbacks in the general mediation guide.

  • If you want to use the Web SDK through a mediation network:
    Read about how to integrate the SDK through iFrames.

Mediation Best Practices

  • Make sure your mediation only displays one visible ad per screen:
    Since multiple FeedAd UI elements play the same creative and a video can only be played on one UI element at a time, your mediation should not show more than one ad at a time. Otherwise, the FeedAd element to have become visible last will take over the video while the other elements display a still frame. For example, this can happen if you display ads at too small an interval within lists on large screen devices.

  • Put FeedAd as the topmost priority on your mediation waterfall:
    The main feature of FeedAd is that video creatives are continued across different placements to maximize View-Through-Rate (VTR). Placements of apps with a high VTR are more likely to be booked by advertisers, which in turn increases your fill rate. If you put FeedAds behind other ads inside a waterfall mediation, it prevents FeedAd to continue the creative if one of the other networks receives fill. This will have a negative impact on your VTR.

Tested Networks

We have implemented and tested FeedAd mediation in the following major ad networks:

For Web, our Web SDK works well alongside Google Ad Manager.

For native apps, FeedAd supports an integration into a Google Ad Manager or Google AdMob mediation through Custom Events.

We provide a plugin that can be easily integrated alongside our FeedAd SDK.
For detailed instructions, continue with the platform-specific integration docs:

The plugin supports the following formats on each platform:

Format Android iOS
Banner ☑️ ☑️
Interstitial ☑️ ☑️
Native ☑️

AppLovin MAX

AppLovin MAX integration can be achieved by using our adapter plugin for the AppLovin MAX SDK. This plugin is available for both Android and iOS.


FeedAd supports Prebid header bidding via adapters for both Prebid.JS and Prebid Server.

If you are only just starting with header bidding on your website, please follow the instructions in the general developer guide until you have a working integration running.


Once Prebid.JS is working, you can add the FeedAd bidder adapter to the list of your bidder adapters.

Also, our FeedAd Web SDK demo project includes a simple Prebid.JS integration tailored to the FeedAd bidder adapter.

Before going live, please remember to check the following tasks:

  1. Replace the clientToken with your FeedAd account's web token.
  2. Replace the placementId with a sensible value.
  3. When downloading your production Prebid.JS script, check FeedAd as a selected bidder adapter.

Prebid.JS Version

Please use at least Prebid.js version 7.31.0 for your integration.

Placement ID?

You can choose placement IDs yourself. A placement ID should be named after the ad position inside your product. For example, if you want to display an ad inside a list of news articles, you could name it "ad-news-overview".
A placement ID may consist of lowercase a-z, 0-9, - and _. You do not have to manually create the placement IDs before using them. Just specify them within the code, and they will appear in the FeedAd admin panel after the first request. Learn more about Placement IDs and how they are grouped to play the same Creative

If you want, you can use a different placement ID for different ad units. Use this, to measure individual ad slot visibility and performance. All placement IDs have to adhere to the placement ID format (see box above).

Prebid Server

In addition to the general developer guide, the Prebid Server developer guide will help you get started with your integration.

The FeedAd bidding adapter already comes with Prebid Server by default, so there is no need to install it separately. If you are using a hosted installation of Prebid Server, please follow the instructions of your hoster to enable the FeedAd bidding adapter or contact them to have it enabled for you.

Prebid Server Version

Please use at least Prebid Server version 3.9.0 for your integration. Currently, only the go version of Prebid Server comes with our FeedAd bidding adapter.

Our FeedAd Web SDK demo project includes a simple Prebid.JS + Prebid Server integration tailored to the FeedAd bidder adapter.

Before going live, please remember to check the following tasks:

  1. Replace the clientToken with your FeedAd account's web token.
  2. Replace the placementId with a sensible value.
  3. Make sure to update the floors object, so it correctly sets floor prices for your integration. See the Price Floors Module Documentation for details.
  4. In the s2sConfig object, update the fields accountId, endpoint and syncEndpoint for your installation of Prebid Server

Placement ID?

You can choose placement IDs yourself. A placement ID should be named after the ad position inside your product. For example, if you want to display an ad inside a list of news articles, you could name it "ad-news-overview".
A placement ID may consist of lowercase a-z, 0-9, - and _. You do not have to manually create the placement IDs before using them. Just specify them within the code, and they will appear in the FeedAd admin panel after the first request. Learn more about Placement IDs and how they are grouped to play the same Creative

Custom networks

We have developed FeedAd with mediation networks in mind. If you are using a custom mediation or ad mediation network not mentioned above, you can still integrate FeedAd.

The following activity diagram illustrates the typical ad network mediation flow. You will have to implement the FeedAdAdapter actions to communicate between the mediation and the FeedAd SDK. This adapter will forward the ad request and handle all FeedAd event callbacks.

Custom Mediation Flow

For detailed explanations regarding the SDK events, please check the respective Android and iOS integration guides. Since most mediation networks are implemented similarly, we also recommend to look at the examples of the other mediation networks inside the demo app.